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Seminar: Freestyle: Godzilla meets Bambi

sees intuition and sensual cognitive skills as the most powerful of human instruments. BDSM provides her a field of exploration and experimentation with unlimited possiblities in the sensual, emotional and spiritual dimension of human life. *With the power of awareness, this might become such a delightful and juicy unity of joy and pain. Love.*

BeLLe* has been working as an integral therapist of dance and expression with groups, couples and individuals for 14 years. She investigates existential themes of humanity such as eros, sexuality, violence, spirituality, devotion, death, desire, loneliness, trust and fear. She has been working for several years as a lecturer of Integrale Therapie in Budapest and Munich and has also moderated workshops. Since 2000, the majority of her work has been her body therapy practice near Stuttgart. Mainly she attends processes in relationships with the archetypes power – powerlessness, love – hate, fear – trust.

BeLLe* practices her work as an art of healing, founded not on the self-limiting and outdated reference frame of psychotherapy, but addressing and challenging the entire person in his or her full potency, anarchy and mulitdimensionality. Her work develops continually, with each new person taking part in it, thereby acutely sharpening the perception of energetic process and function in both themselves and others.

To encounter one's own emotional and physical boundaries, then to engage with them and finally to transcend and expand them: these are the creative, spiritual and organic principles of life. Her style of working is influenced by training in trance following Stephen Wollinsky and Kay Hoffmann, sexual therapy following David Schnarch and Hakomi body therapy following Ron Kurtz.

Her long experience in therapeutic dance is integrated into her career as a theatre director. This took artistic and aesthetic form in the first joint production with Tom ("Bernada und ihre Töchter", based on F.G. Lorca) in 2007. This cooperation resulted in the Currently Tom and BeLLe* are working on a new performance entitled "DaZwischen".


explores the art of improvisation, in groups – sometimes arising from uninhibited joy of spontaneous play, sometimes it evolves into entire stage shows – like the free adaptation of Federico Garcia Lorcas' "Bernarda Albas Haus" last year.

Before discovering the theatre, Tom was a philosopher, one of the few remaining metaphysicians, especially interested in the existential themes such as fear, trust, love and death. After years at university he nowadays concentrates on theatre and philosophy as an independent artist and attempts to fuse both. Together with BeLLe* he launched "theater existenziell" last year.

Tom sees BDSM as a field of research where phenomena such as shock & trust, power & powerlessness, ecstasy & play may be experimented upon sensually, directly and without prejudice. His concern is time and again to break the trance so as to let deadlocked customs and patterns flow creatively anew.

Seminar:  Freestyle: Godzilla meets Bambi

What happens when Godzilla, brutal and rough meets Bambi, delicate and vulnerable?

This workshop is about the constrast and exchange between hard and soft, between shock and profound trust. We want to give impetus to the discussion of how to play with these poles so as to intensify encounters and enhance their tension. Our question is, given these apparent opposites, how do you go about creating and then reinforcing intimacy? The first part of the workshop consists of impetus and ideas, and exercises. The second part is freestyle practice. Music of varied styles creates various atmospheres in which encounters of "Godzilla meets Bambi" can be practised and experimented, in twos or more – with spontaneous scenes, with movement and dance.

Please bring blindfolds with you.